The teacher plans instruction that ensures that every student has the opportunity to meet rigorous learning goals. He/she facilitates this by drawing upon knowledge of content area, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, pedagogy, learning standards and expectations. The teacher takes into account learning styles as well as specific knowledge of the learners involved.
This standard is considered by many to be one of the focal points in accomplishing learning objectives and meeting curriculum requirements. It manifest in many ways, three significant ways an educator demonstrates this standard are: utilizing student performance standards to design instruction, considering student learning styles and needs, and utilizing data to adjust content.
I demonstrate this standard by designing instruction with Virginia Department of Education Standards of Learning in mind. Whenever possible I seek cross-curricular activities to maximize instructional effectiveness regarding learner objectives.
Another way I demonstrate this standard is by planning my instruction with student friendly objectives in mind. I consider different learning styles and student needs when designing diverse learning experiences. These include activity based learning, collaborative learning, and technology integration into instructional design.
A third way I exemplify this standard is by utilizing data to adjust content. By using formative assessments I can adjust instruction to focus on what students don’t understand rather than use valuable instruction time on things they do. It also allows me develop a list of items to review in preparation for summative assessments to help maximize students potential performance.