The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies, he/she employs different techniques to maximize contact with the diverse learning methods of learners. The teacher utilizes a variety in strategy, technique and delivery to encourage learners to develop a deep understanding of the content area. The teacher effectively uses instructional strategy to extend learning into other disciplines and content areas whenever practical.
There are a multitude of instructional strategies an educator can employ in the course of delivering content. These tools should be constantly evolving and new techniques developed as part of a continuous improvement process. An educator can not rely solely on what worked in the past, but must focus on what works in the present. Three significant ways this standard is exhibited are: modeling and guided practice, skill intensive small group work, and use of Activvotes technology.
I demonstrate this standard by employing modeling and guided practice with my students. I have found the “I do, We do, You do” technique to be very effective at scaffolding student learning for eventual release of responsibility. The picture shows how this strategy is utilized for mathematics.
Another way I exhibit this standard is by engaging students in skill intensive instruction in a small group setting. This is particularly useful in specific skill deficiencies in the language arts or mathematics. I am able to use pre-assessment and formative assessment data to customize small group activities in order to meet student needs.
A third strategy I use incorporates technology into instruction through the use of Activvotes. These handheld devices are numbered and link to the ActivBoard. This insures that each student is engaged and must answer questions rather than raising hands and having the same students answer all the time. The students enjoy see their results in real time with a degree of anonymity; it also allows the instructor to see what students don’t understand and address it immediately. This is a particularly useful review strategy.
For more information see the link to my paper on Instructional Delivery